
Crédit Agricole Payment Services & dejamobile – Private workshop at Money 2020 Europe

20 - 06 - 2017


Crédit Agricole Payment Services and dejamobile are pleased to invite you to a private workshop on June 27th 2017 in parallel with the Money2020 Europe event.

Crédit Agricole is one of the first European banks to have launched a commercial version of a mobile payment service using a Cloud-Based Payments/HCE solution. This solution is integrated into the application Ma Carte (My Card) and was launched on April 4th2017. It interfaces with ‘Paylib’, the French interbank proximity mobile payment brand.
This workshop will provide the opportunity to share feedback with the audience on business, technological, innovation, and use case aspects of the service.

The workshop will be organised in two sessions, each containing the same content:

  • First session, June 27th 2017 at 9am
  • Second session, June 27th 2017 at 5.15pm

The following topics will be discussed:

  • Feedback on the project of developing a mobile payment solution by the Crédit Agricole based on the dejamobile HCE platform.
  • Outline of the technical architecture and challenges related to the implementation of a HCE solution at the heart of a big banking group payment system.
  • First feedback after the service launch
  • R&D and Innovation works: wearable, Blockchain

The speakers will be:

  • Stéphane Vallois, Crédit Agricole Payment Services, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Development
  • Xavier Vaslin, Crédit Agricole Payment Services, Innovation Manager and Head of Payment Lab
  • Houssem Assadi, dejamobile, CEO
  • Ahmad Saif, dejamobile, CTO

This workshop will take place on June 27th 2017 at the Bella Centre* Copenhagen, Denmark.

To subscribe, please send an email expressing your wish to attend to the following address:

Please note that bookings will be accepted on a first come first served basis.

(*) the participants to the workshop will need to have access to the Money2020 Europe event. The badge is not provided by the organisers of the workshop. See the event website for further information:

Tel:  +33 2 14 74 75 01 / +44 20 7024 3680
4 Avenue de Cambridge, 14200 Hérouville-Saint-Clair, France

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