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Legal notice

All content, including the information, text, animations, video, audio, pictures and media files, (collectively, “Materials”) contained on the Site is owned or controlled by dejamobile and Unik, it is protected by French worldwide copyright and trademark laws. You may not modify, reproduce, republish, resell, post, transmit, distribute or use any Materials for any other purpose, without dejamobile’s express written consent.


N° SIRET 752 810 689 00022
R.C.S. CAEN 752 810 689
Code NAF 5829 C
N° TVA/VAT : FR91 752810689
Address :
Technopole CITIS
4 Avenue de Cambridge
14200 Hérouville Saint Clair
Tél : +33 214 74 75 00

Design and implementation

Agence Highfive
13 rue Écuyère
14000 CAEN